Southern Fly Expeditions

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Underrated - Fly Fishing For The Underdog with Southern Fly Expeditions

When it comes to saltwater fly fishing or light tackle sport fishing in shallow water, what fish do most anglers think of targeting and catching?  I'd guess here in America and the Caribbean they would be redfish, bonefish, tarpon, permit, and snook.  Each of these have their great qualities and challenges that cause us to seek them out, but there's another fish (among others) that many don't think of or choose not to target because it's a "trash fish", etc.  Honestly, I don't really know what most people say about them because I'm usually too busy thinking about how awesome they are.  That fish is the Jack Crevalle!  Honestly, I don't really know what most people say about them because I'm usually too busy thinking about how awesome they are.  That fish is the Jack Crevalle!

Jack Crevalle are possibly the most underrated saltwater sport fish.  They are very aggressive, they eat most anything you throw at them, they can provide a very visual experience as they bust bait on the surface or your topwater fly or lure, they are extremely fast and strong, they'll test your equipment, test your knots, and test you physically and mentally as they are one of the hardest fighting and strongest fish pound-for-pound in the ocean, bays, marsh, and brackish waters.  They are "gangsters of the flats" here in your home-waters!

Here's a little of what I've been up to recently in my home waters near New Orleans, Louisiana...

Another cool thing about Jacks is they often school up with bull Redfish!

Anglers travel across the world and spend large amounts of money to target fish that are almost exactly the same as a Jack Crevalle, such as the Giant Trevally, also known as the GT.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to go after some GTs in some far-away waters, but on a relatively low budget, that may not be doable for most.  So why not target a remarkably similar fish, the Jack Crevalle, basically in your own backyard when you have the opportunity?!  Next time you see a Jack, see them busting bait, just know where they are going to be at a certain time, or your guide presents the opportunity, go after them!  See if you're really up to the task of battling these grossly underrated beasts!